Before we get too far with the renovation details, I’d like to take a minute or two to show you the garage space itself. I’m working with about 950 square feet which is pretty respectable! There are two single car garage doors flanking a double door in the middle. I have three large windows that are all fairly high on the wall. The floor has a significant slope and because the property itself is sloped, the rear wall has a concrete bump-out that could make utilizing the wall space just a bit trickier than usual. But before we can do anything else, we need to talk about POWER!
One of the first things I did in the space was have the sub-panel installed. Without electricity, I obviously can’t connect any of my tools. So I went with a surface-mounted panel of the highest capacity the electrician recommended: 125A. That should be enough capacity for tools, heaters, computers, lights, and anything else I could possibly need considering I’m a one-man shop.
And speaking of heat, it’s starting to get cold and you’ll probably see in the background that the mini-split is already installed. More on that next time.