Look Ma, Patinaed Copper & Live Edge | Sliding Doors | Sideboard Pt 7

Written on 01/02/2024
Marc Spagnuolo

Sliding doors are incredibly fun to make, especially when they involve fire and copper!

In this part of the Sideboard series we’ll focus on the Patinaed Copper and Live Edge Sliding Doors. The sliding doors will be constructed using a strip of patinaed copper and live edge walnut veneer. We’ll cut our own veneer from thicker live edge slabs. The core of the door will consist of MDF with a walnut frame. The walnut frame allows me to run the veneer all the way to the edges for a continuous appearance. The copper strip is aged using a torch, resulting in some beautiful red, blue and orange hues that should continue to look great as the copper ages naturally.

The real magic of a good set of sliding doors comes from the construction of the rabbets and the groove in the case. The goal is to minimize friction. The final product has an incredible contrast between the patinaed copper and live edge walnut that really catches the eye.

Looking for the Summary version of this build? Click here!

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